
Taro Rolls

We had Polynesian Night this past Friday. We had wonderful food so I thought I'd share with everyone! Here's the first part. I had these rolls when I ate at the Polynesian Cultural Center in Laie, Oahu (Hawaii) a few years ago. They are wonderful. The only hard part is finding poi. After asking around, I found out that they sell it at Longs Drugs here in Vegas (I guess they cater to the polynesian population here).

Poi is made from taro root - it is steamed and then mashed or pressed. It is served plain as a side dish, but can also be used to make chips or breads. I prefer it used in breads, eaten plain isn't quite that appetizing (to me, anyway).

Taro Rolls

2/3 cup warm water
1 egg
1/2 cup poi
1/4 cup butter, softened
1/2 tsp. purple food coloring
1/2 cup sugar
3 1/2 - 4 cups flour
1/8 tsp. salt
1 1/4 tsp. yeast

1. In a large bowl combine water, egg, poi, butter, and food coloring. Mix until combined.
2. Add sugar, salt, and yeast to wet ingredients. Add flour, 1 cup at a time, until dough is smooth and no longer sticky.
3. Remove dough from bowl. Make 12 rolls, forming each into a ball.
4. Line baking pan with aluminum foil and place rolls in pan. Set aside and allow to rest for 20 minutes.
5. Bake at 325 degrees for 20 minutes or until rolls are set. Allow to cool before serving.

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