
25 Days of Christmas Recipes - Clam Chowder

We are preparing for our annual Cajun Night Before Christmas celebration.  Instead of doing a big meal on Christmas day, we opt to do it the night before with family and friends, and have Christmas day to ourselves (can anyone say nap?).  Usually, we make a big dinner that is typical of the South - gumbo, jambalaya, sweet potatoes, etc.  This year though, with a newborn, I am choosing to go an easier route!  I'm calling it Santa's Soup or Salad.  We're doing a couple different types of soup, breads, and salads.  My contribution is my grandmother's clam chowder.  I cannot find a good sourdough bread recipe, so we'll be buying that one from the store.  And our salad will be caesar.  Stay tuned for the salad recipe.

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